Building Blocks for Organizational Development

In the dynamic landscape of innovation, organizational success hinges on meticulous preparation and strategic foresight.

Our approach, rooted in technical insight, user centered design and business pragmatism, establishes a robust foundation for innovation across key domains.

Organizational Readiness:

Setting the Foundation for Innovation

Creating the right conditions for success involves establishing clear objectives. To achieve this, a well-defined vision, mission, and values statement are essential, guiding all activities towards the desired goals. Our expertise lies in preparing your organization for innovation through techniques like vision sprints and portfolio mapping, ensuring readiness for the future.

  • Vision Sprints: Crafting a well-defined vision, mission, and values statement.
  • Portfolio mapping: Aligning organizational activities with desired goals.
  • Missions Statement Refinement: Enhancing clarity and purpose in your organizational mission.

Opportunity Framing:

Navigating Business Dynamics

In the ever-evolving business landscape, change brings opportunities. Our business R&D approach involves assessing market dynamics, ensuring you frame and assess opportunities that align seamlessly with your business objectives.

  • Market Landscape Assessment: Identifying opportunities in an evolving business context.
  • Business R&D: Assessing market dynamics and identifying gaps.
  • Opportunity Framing and Assessment: Recognizing and seizing high-potential opportunities aligned with your business and portfolio.

Users and Stakeholders

Ensuring Desirability of Innovation

Success is not just about ideas but about meeting the real needs of your clients. To ensure desirability, we involve end users in the creative phase through stakeholder interviews, workshops, and customer journey mapping.

  • Stakeholder Interviews: Engaging key contributors for valuable insights.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: Understanding end users’ needs and experiences.
  • Value Proposition Development: Crafting a value proposition with real impact.

Product Assessment

Balancing Creativity with Practicality

Innovation is a creative process, and we empathize with the need to balance creativity with feasibility. Our design thinking approach ensures that technologies and concepts align with your value proposition. Our roadmap development ensures clear goals and efficient resource deployment.

  • Design Thinking Workshops: Fusing creativity with strategic thinking.
  • Roadmap Development: Prioritizing functionality for streamlined development.
  • Design Sprints: Efficiently assessing feasibility and desirability


Executing Innovation Effectively

Executing innovation effectively requires a lean approach, emphasizing optimal conditions for success. Our services extend from planning to product delivery, ensuring effective team alignment and project risk management.

  • Lean Approach: Focusing on creating optimal conditions for success.
  • Project Planning: From ideation to product delivery.
  • Development Management: Ensuring team alignment and effective risk management

Bringing It All Together

Informed Decision Making

After identifying value for your clients, we assist in crafting comprehensive business and project plans, facilitating decision-making through thorough evaluation. If your innovation is desirable, viable, and feasible, we guide you through commitment to change, providing a solid foundation for a successful innovation project.

  • Business Plan Development: Crafting a comprehensive plan for your innovation.
  • Project Plan Alignment: Ensuring synergy between business and project plans.
  • Evaluation and Kick-off Meetings Facilitation: Facilitating decisions by evaluating returns and risks